I didn't have a sketch for monday, but Im going to do a 3-4 page "demo" or "teaser" comic of the Simo Hayha aka the white death sniper guy. I wanted to do an awesomest comic about this guy killing russians (yes ironic, I know) in world war 2.
Supposedly this guy was a complete bad ass. He was defending his farm, and he killed like 500 soldiers in one winter with a non scoped hunting rifle. Eventually he was discovered and got shot in the head, but he lived through the wound and killed the guy that shot him. He made it through the war and died of old age.
BOT challenge 2
Something Old, Something New
Something old, doing it new
sketch for this challenge! I'm actually going to try and join this round! yay for imaginary free time!
Obviously old sketch is old and new sketch is bold.
Obviously old sketch is old and new sketch is bold.
BOT Challenge 2
I guess Im going to commandeer this BOT challenge for this week. We had a pretty good turn out (3 people) and I think we can try this again.
This week's topic is "Something Old, Something New"
We all have that one project that we would really like to finish one day, or revise an old piece for the portfolio. Or something that we had a lot of fun doing and would love to spend more time, but other things seem more important. For this week, look back and find something that you always promised yourself you would finish, and..... finish it!
Tuesday Sketches
Thursday WOP
It doesn't look like the critique takes as long as I though so the due date is 8:00 PM Sunday.
bot challenge,
cry moar,
give 'em hell,
sketchbook theme
Vulture BOT 1
Shit yeah, with 5 minutes to spare! As always, (as it was in school) I was super disappoint with the first attempt at the project, the one I was posting. Half way through it I though it looked amateurish and retarded. So after spend hours on it, I had to scrap it. I put on my big boy illustrator pants and wanted to do something that could conceivably be an illustration in an article or some shit. You know, we all want to be in the New Yorker! Im much more pleased with my second attempt. I got to talk on the phone with the last years Illustrator judge, and he told me that illustrators are important because of the concepts. Anyway, let me have it!
Look at this poop, and laugh in my face.
Brothers [Vulture final]
I kind of went around in circles with this until I realized it wasn't working at all and is pretty unsatisfactory all around. I had to crop most of the picture out to make this slightly presentable offering.
Sucks, but it happens! I finished it anyways.
Sucks, but it happens! I finished it anyways.
Fucking Vultures
You know when they'll come after you. Right before rigor mortis sets in.
Found the time, laddies!! I couldn't resist.<3
ThE VuLtures WOP.
I want to do this piece in a flat comic graphic style. I have been looking at a lot of Korean Manga/ Comics lately and I want to try a super flat anime-ish splash page of these guys crawling over some garbage. Im also flipping this bitch every 45 minutes not to get the proportions fucked.
I dont normally do line art and outlines, so Im going to refine it over and over and then ink over it, maybe even in illustrator, to get the nice crisp flat edges. Comments, suggestions, concerns?
Vulture [WIP]
Mostly I don't feel like wrangling with my scanner so there ya go. Gloomy room shot.
I had a lot of ideas with how to present/set up the comp so I might work through a couple of them but this was a moment I liked + I get to draw a lot of hands = funtimes. Don't really have much else to say, gonna just chip at it. B|
ThE VulTuReS!
The vultures!
I dont normally do characters, but I recently went to an artist meat up meet up and wanted to show my work. I found this horribly bound book with a weird cover, and then I realized that it was my illustration 3 final project. It was a junk world, an island of trash. I want to make a scene for a possible story: comic, children's book, animation? about a group of trash people that form together a band of thieves band of adventurers. Because their whole thing is to go through garbage, they call themselves the vultures!
Vulture ala Last Dove. They crawl out of the underworld to touch your butt gather the essence of those who have been slain. By themselves they aren't particularly dangerous but their presence tends to make people uneasy because of what they represent. Accidental deaths have been reported in their wake. Most cases involve the parties untimely demise while frantically trying to flee.
Final will probably be ink by hand and may or may not be colored. We'll see. + Environment and hopefully more clarity in the final too.
Just gonna quietly assume no one else is doing this... .
Final will probably be ink by hand and may or may not be colored. We'll see. + Environment and hopefully more clarity in the final too.
Just gonna quietly assume no one else is doing this... .
BOT Challenge Week I
Le topic is THE VULTURE.
Interpret as you will: character, creature, environment, vehicle and
anything in between. It should be something fully realized, don't just
do a study of a vulture or anything LOL.
Tues/Wed post sketches if ya
got 'em.
Work in progress on Thurs
the final should be good to go on
Sat 11:59pm.
Anyway, if this is too vague I can make it more specific, I'm just fond of open-ended shit.
Been drawing like a son of a bitch this weekend.
Im sorry, but Im going to cheat on you guys. There is a group of artists that do comics, video games, and other nerdy stuff. They have a weekly sketch book exchange type of deal. Im going to go on date with them, this long distance relationship isn't working out.
I have also been drawing a whole lot this weekend. Even on paper, like a medieval chump, who draws on paper? Madness.
Exhibit 1: Cyber Punk Royalty
Exhibit 2: This one kind of sucks, but it's on the computer and is all digital and ready to go. Blegh
Exhibit 3: This one I love. I just took my favorite brush (you guessed it, the square brush) and scribbled on the pad. And then I drew this from pattern. Sort of an artists' rorschach test. I guess robot ladies were on my mind.
Close up, because im gay like that.
Exhibit 4: 30 seconds, SQUARE BRUSH
Exhibit 5: Stole this shit from Seta
final fantasy,
laughing into space,
sketchbook theme
People who are fucking assholes
Also been reading Habibi. I don't know how to explain it because I keep eating the pages they are so delicious. Hand lettered, hand patterned, sincere and thoughtful work. *sobsob*
Been reading lots of webcomics too. I seriously would just drop like $100 to buy a mountain of self published stuff aaaahhhhhhhhhh
Liek the title says. I am really digging using a square brush. Dunno, but it really feels liek painting. Square brush without variable width, its like paining with a stick (not literarly, but we also done that, remember? Christiana town, paintging with hands sticks & feet????!?!one!)
Whats your favorite brush, dear reader?
Holy hell is this girl a good matte painter

I don't always Anime, but when I do...
You know me, I generally don't anime. I find it weird, that people anime all day long by themselves in their rooms. Or go to conventions and weirdly anime with their friends. Sometimes people anime to the point where it becomes illegal and morally wrong.
I admit, when I was young I animed a little. As an adult, I sometimes can't help myself and I'll anime, but I often feel guilty afterwards. Grown men should never anime, yet alone talk about animing.
But I have stumbled on this website that is FANTASTIC. Im sure its no surprise and most of you already knew about this website.
If not, you should check it out. But not at work, because your coworkers will scorn you for animing at work. Also, be careful when you anime, because there is definitely some loli stuff on this website.
( http://manga.clone-army.org/hh.php?page=23&lang= ) this is how I imagine C.N. animes in her room alone, or maybe with friends, I dont know how you kids anime these days.
Less depressing post. But more spook stuff. yeeeeaaahhh
I had this dream about fungus and moss and mushrooms so I'm really disturbed by that right now. So I'm drawing it on stuff. Logics.. what are they
Seta pretends she can color
I guess I'll just wait and see what they'll use it for first. lmao
In the meantime.. from da vault.
I guess I'll just wait and see what they'll use it for first. lmao
In the meantime.. from da vault.
I love how sci-fi concept art looks.
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