
Something Old, Something New

Get ready for some:
Coherent, meaningful description later. Probably.


  1. Im a little confused (and aroused by the tentacle porn) about the story boards, but thats because Im not sure what the background story it. This looks like an epic project to do in a week. Im excited to see some works in progress and Im glad you're tackling sequential art from.

  2. Heh, my shorthand has never been very legible. Hopefully it'll be more clear when I flesh it out. I'll write out a small bit of background to include in the WIP because this is essentially just an excerpt from something bigger.

    Sorry to disappoint. I just really wanted to use that gif because it's cute and fucking creepy.

  3. awesome shawncee! huge project...like a least a page a day if not more holy crap! GOOD LUCK just make sure your seeing how the eye flows across the page.

    For example on page three the heads or positive shapes are pretty much same side...causing split compositions to form. but Overall its looking cool and cant wait to see what your final piece looks like

    1. Thanks, for sure!

      I'm learning something new after (aka redoing) I finish each panel x___x
