
Vulture [WIP]

Mostly I don't feel like wrangling with my scanner so there ya go. Gloomy room shot.

I had a lot of ideas with how to present/set up the comp so I might work through a couple of them but this was a moment I liked + I get to draw a lot of hands = funtimes. Don't really have much else to say, gonna just chip at it. B|

1 comment:

  1. Its kind of hard to tell whats happening with your composition. But It looks dynamic, which is good. Remember its this S not this O. Are you going to finish it all digital like, or is it going to be ink? I think it might actually turn out really well if you do the same digital + ink technique / look you did on the Labyrinth poster that one time. It was sort of washed out and flowly, but had a nice digital finish.

    Carry on!
