

Vulture ala Last Dove. They crawl out of the underworld to touch your butt gather the essence of those who have been slain. By themselves they aren't particularly dangerous but their presence tends to make people uneasy because of what they represent. Accidental deaths have been reported in their wake. Most cases involve the parties untimely demise while frantically trying to flee.

Final will probably be ink by hand and may or may not be colored. We'll see. + Environment and hopefully more clarity in the final too.

Just gonna quietly assume no one else is doing this... .


  1. Very creepy, but thats what you're good at! I like the idea of a weird and otherworldly creature thats not necessarily an evil thing that kills people. I would love to see this creature in a scene interacting with people. Like a seldom funeral scene, with everyone in suits mourning over a grave, and then this little guy rolls up. Or if he was already there waiting with the rest of the mourners.

    I think you have the character pretty well established, so the presentation is going to be important. Are you going to make it into a panel, like your japanese demons, or is it going to be a rendered scene?

    Looks good, and I love your weirdness!

    1. Many thanks!

      Yes, I definitely want to present it with people! I was thinking of a scene with people stumbling upon it in a graveyard or battleground!

      I was pondering about doing something sequential but I think a simple scene would suit it better. Perhaps later I could expand on it.
