

Liek the title says. I am really digging using a square brush. Dunno, but it really feels liek painting. Square brush without variable width, its like paining with a stick (not literarly, but we also done that, remember? Christiana town, paintging with hands sticks & feet????!?!one!)

Whats your favorite brush, dear reader?


  1. What are you talking about.. that didn't happen. That class was an endless dream. (I seriously do miss the studio environment, for realz)

    True tales. I friggin' looove square brush too. I like the crayon brush in Sai personally, usually I set it to a square shape with feathered edges. yumyum. In PS I just use a basic round brush with a really low flow.

    You want some crit? B] Well, the second one is my favorite, it seems like you're hitting a nice groove with the brush. The way you're laying shapes down looks good, especially on the lower left cheek and upper right temple.

    I'd watch the proportions though, they look a bit skewed to one side. Might be easier to see flipped: flipped

  2. I heard that you're suppose to paint with like a very low flow brush at 40% or less to get the real smooth painting style. And I know thats how pros do it, but it feels so frustrating to be pushing with all of your weight on the pen and getting barely any results. I get tired and my wrists hurts a lot more when I try using low opacity brushes. I guess its all about realizing how the machine works, and not get angry at the settings.

    You're totally right about the reflection flippy thing. I know you're suppose to flip the image every so often, not to get the right hand error. Im not coming up with excuses, I know I fucked up on the self portrait, but I was doing that portrait in the reflection of my own monitor in a hurry before my tea was done!

    What crayon brush are you talking about? Did you post that on here before? I know you have posted two sets of brushes, and thats where my love affair with the square brush started. THere was a real nice set of soft brushes on DA, im not sure if you grabbed them.

  3. Hm, I use a low flow.. but not to the point that it appears so faint I can't even see what I'm doing. Keeping the opacity high should help and maybe adjusting pen pressure?

    If tea was involved everything else is pretty much invalid.

    I don't have any custom brushes for Sai, the crayon brush is a default I think. Oh yeah? I honestly think I lost that set, I may just have to dig them up and do some photoshops today. HOhohohoo

    1. I have been trying the low flow brushes and I have no idea what im doing. It feels like the brush is set to multiply. Maybe my fat hands just can't adjust pressure, I have to use low opacity when I do details (which I dont, that is paint details.)
