
Brothers [Vulture final]

I kind of went around in circles with this until I realized it wasn't working at all and is pretty unsatisfactory all around. I had to crop most of the picture out to make this slightly presentable offering.
Sucks, but it happens! I finished it anyways.


  1. Dude... Those reddish hands are freaking me out!!! Something about them subtly says "violence". I love the surreal feel of this piece and how the white figure really draws your eye to the main focus and the whites on the creature make a nice movement to the right showing the beast its fantasticalness. Freaking love it.

    I don't know what the single twig or the boulder is doing in the corners, but if you added more of that it would unit the scene with the scenery. I wanna see the whole image just to see. >3<

    1. Yeah, I agree. I want to see the whole picture too!

  2. Oh man, that creature is pretty awesome. I like how it disappears into a corner and there is suggestion that there is much more to it, that its a colossal thing.

    Im a bit conflicted, I sort of really want to see the creatures "face" but I also like the cloth covering it's head. It really ties it together in a cultish way, with the people around.

    I do like the very subtle color, especially like C.N. pointed out with the red hands. I kind of wish there was more atmosphere, like I want to know if the scene is happening at night, morning, indoors, or whatever.

    I think the thing that works the most about this image, is the story. Even If I didnt know the title or anything about it, I can definitely derive a rich narrative. Everything here tells a story: the creature, the people, how they're dressed, and the white figure presenting a body. I think that being able to tell a story is the most important thing that illustrators do, and you definitely tell a story here.

  3. Thank you guys for your excellent critiques. WARMS MY HEART!

    C.N, I agree completely, it definitely needs more of those elements to not seem so out of place. Plus, I think adding more trees could help with some depth issues.

    Sergei, that's good! Our imaginations are definitely more terrifying than anything we could visually represent! I agree that the atmosphere is really lacking and kind of hurting the scene.

    Thanks, that means a lot. I'm such a sap for narrative!
