
Fucking Vultures

You know when they'll come after you.  Right before rigor mortis sets in.

Found the time, laddies!! I couldn't resist.<3


  1. Oh man, Im so glad you jumped in!

    Oh man, this concept is freaking awesome! This vulture looks bad ass. I think the black cat suit and the vicious attack really work well. And those flowing ink lines are just gorgeous. Especially the two little birds.

    I kind of wish it looked like the guy was struggling a bit more, he seems to be passively just lying there and getting eaten. Although I do like the way the vulture guy is self amused.

    This almost looks like a CD cover for some heavy metal / indie rock band.

    As a stand alone piece, Im not digging the square format. Portrait is confronting, and landscape is more passive, and squares are boring. Im not sure if Im suppose to look at it passively as this scene is happening to somebody else, or if its more aggressive and Im suppose to be scared because im next.

    Otherwise well done!

    1. Thanks for your criticism!

      X'D When this came out, I totally though CD cover. Fufufufufufuuuuu... The guy's supposed to be dead. I should probably make that more apparent. XP

      It's definitely not a strong piece. It was more.. one of them doodles I would've stuck in a sketchbook. X /

      I wanted to make it more intimate because I dig sexy stuff but the bodies ended up being a little stagnant. I shall do better next time. >3<

    2. I actually like the dead guy, he looks very dead and necrotic. I just though that the vulture was chasing him down, because his eyes are open. But I guess because hes a vulture he probably would have found the body like that as it was. I completely agree with Seta's comments about inky-splattery works really well here, especially the way you incorporated it into the picture.

  2. Ah, yesss, I'm quite pleased that you posted something. :D! I like how you're using the medium.. super splattery so it goes along well with the concept!

    I think the guy on the ground looks fine, he's suppose to already be dead right?

    Anyway, I'd watch the anatomy on the vulture guy, the arm holding the guts seems like it's at a strange angle.

    Hope school isn't kicking your ass too hard <3!!

    1. Thank you for you input!

      Yep, that's a dead guy.

      And I totally agree. I was looking at his arm and thinking... That shoulder's uber short and the forshortening was weird, but I wanted to post something for tonight. XP

      I'm taking it like a boss. >_~
