

Here's some more daily stuff. Gonna do some more intense lighting cause I'm finding it really interesting recently.. and my mood and atmosphere is kinda crap so! Been listening to We're Alive while I sculpt, which I'm totally digging. It's nice when I'm reclusing it up in my room.

Bottom one inspired by WA and Walking Dead comic.. well part 1 on the collected edition. They switched artists for part 2 and it looks like whoever did it was inking with their butt. Which may be an amazing feat but ugly art means no Seta.

Keep drawing!


Even more WIP

This is a progress for my final, I've decided to do a maquette of my Fisherman character. I ran out of clay because I underestimated how big I intended to make it. I really don't wanna drive all the way to michael's, but alas.. >:|

Tiasu costume stuff. Overall warmth with the cool coming from the blue face paint.

a Pair of queens

Im chomping right through the number cards, but the face cards are going to be difficult. In fact, most face cards, are unique. Like all 4 queens on a standard french deck made by bicycle  are all different.

SO here is a test piece / sketch that I did for the queen of clubs

I also did another test piece of a queen, but the one above came out WAAAAy better.


4 of a kind

Please tell me what you guys think, before I sink time into the face cards, All feedback is welcome good or bad! If this goes well I might do another deck or three, because in reality its only a handful of images duplicated over and over.

Aces High Suits

I going to try to make a deck of cards



I was thinking of what I wanted to share and was feeling nostalgic so here are some of my childhood influences.

The first is Hiroaki Samura. He writes and draws Blade of the Immortal which is what the first two pictures are from. The last is from his artbook, Hitodenashi no Koi.. It is horrifically graphic and quite lovely at the same time. That is one of the tamer pictures so as not to scar your eyes. LOL

The second is Takehiko Inoue. Who is immaculate to say the very damn least. Those two images are panels from his comic Vagabond.

Samura and Inoue made want to learn pen and ink and pencil. I remember sitting in a hot garage trying to figure out how to make a quill not suck, how to make a brush function like a pen. I was banned from inking in the house because I was damn clumsy, haha.

These are still some of my favorite artists, but in a way, it feels like I've grown out of them a bit. Either way, I still feel strong influence from Samura in my pencils, but my inks are still piss poor. ONE DAY!


More WIP

Almost done with this one. There's a few color tweaks left to be done.

Some detail whore-age.
I got an art table at an anime convention so.. this is gonna be one of my poster prints. LOL. Don't even care, shit is going on my wall.

Here are some sketches I've been doing as of late! just different adjustments to the brush :)


okay more art! These were some kitty cat comissions I did for my boss at work...she's so excited that she wants more a lot more lol...hurray for comissions!


This is like a record for not posting. I just have too much stuff and don't know what to post because DAII is done and 360 will prolly be drifting off to the big green x in the sky soon.

This was for Neo's artjam. Big thing where everyone draws shit for everyone. Was nice! This is someone's cat/dragon charatcer I did.


colossus update

haha okay so I think I'm almost done! Maybe a few tweaks for emphasis here and there. Any other suggestions or issues I've over looked would be welcomed!

Hey so here it is at stage 3, after another 6 hrs of work...still got a ways to go, working on the mouth now!

I added more overgrowth, thinking it still needs some more stuffs there.
I also added more knights it give a better sense of scale! I love the guys silhouette in the background.


colossus update

Hey here's another update before work, I put textures on all the legs and detailing in the trees. Then I also added some dust and particles around the feet (below head) and by the wall.

What's left?
2. helmet of foreground soldier maybe add a few more soldiers if time permits?!
3. Some more of the rift flora to make this place even more colorful and overgrown!
3. lighting and emphasis.
4. Color balance

So I'll be working through the night :)

hey long time no post got some stuff to share. Lots I've been meaning to share like this baby, my life colossus...needs the dapple of color to bring this baby girl alive but so far I'm pretty happy with it.

Here's some character sketch I did while on brake from the colossus!



It's Rapidash, my most favorite pokemon!
I've started a few different things but feel a little photoshop'd out. Or something. Gonna pick up the brush and pencil for a bit, I think.

Cicero, Wellow
And Kingdom.


This is for Sergei (and since I've lost your email).

Arishok be my friend

Did someone say brush abuse.. .


Im going to hold off on posting stuff, until I get something I really like. Ill still try to do it daily, but I'll put stuff with more quality from now on...


Posting this here because Sergei wanted me to send it to him and couldn't think of a faster way!

Watch all the episodes!


2011 - June

2009 - November


Countess + wallpaper

If you dont have too many textures ready to go and you need some, or you just like to check out some free high resolution textures check out lost and taken here
Free High Resolution Textures - Lost and Taken

They dont have a good browsing function, but Id suggest going through all of their shit and taking it all.


If you guys like custom brushes in photoshop, Hannes just posted a brush pack. I haven't messed around with them yet but I probably will tonight. I usually just use defaults so it should be interesting.

Here is some more people who kick a fantastical amount of ass:

Justin Cherry
Marcos Mateu - I need to get his book, raaaaagagah
Adam Brockbank - YES YES YES BACKGROUNDS so good.
Reynan Sanchez
Eric Canete - B+W always and forever
Maciej Kuciara

Always relevant to my interests:

Dead Bear(aka Alex)

Maybe someone here will spark some inspiration or will or something. I know I could waste days just looking at artwork.



Spell Caster (you can tell by the staff)

Commission Progress

This is a work in progress of a commission I'm finishing up. Client wanted something similar to the Mercy piece. It's always the best to get work for shit you would be drawing anyways. Haha.


Blue Mage

Let the eye burning continue. I took seta's advice, and not planning, just jumped into that shit.


CANDY TIME? Candy time

I've had insomnia the past few days. It's fucking stupid, I hate being up till 6am. Weepweep. Going insane.
I was practicing expressions and this was too funny not to upload. He's.. so fucking excited. lmao.

Little Treasure


Your Will, My Hand

Drew this with Enduser on repeat. I'm sure it's tin foil to most people's ears but it was so appropriate.

Those are the best boobs I've ever drawn.
This is one of my gladiator/dog character's Mercy. She's the mother of another dog character named Thorn who is infinitely less badass than she is. He pretty much lives in his mother's shadow. If you're wondering about some of her animal features it's because she can turn into a fucking lion. :D
I tried to do wip steps but I kind of forgot.. But you kind of get the idea? Imagine more grey blobs and that's that.