
4 of a kind

Please tell me what you guys think, before I sink time into the face cards, All feedback is welcome good or bad! If this goes well I might do another deck or three, because in reality its only a handful of images duplicated over and over.


  1. The textures on these kick ass. If you can get these printed on legitimate playing card material, I think these would be one of the more impressive decks I would have, because a) I sorta used to just randomly buy decks of cards, and b) I'd totally buy this.

    There seems to be a layering error on the top-left corner of Ace of Spades. The red spatter isn't confined to the card's edge.

  2. What Bo said about the red splatter, it seems a bit out of place since it's not happening on any of the other cards. From a design point maybe move the 'A' down slightly so it's not touching the edge.

    Other than that they look good. I actually really like the vintage/grunge aesthetic. :D

  3. Oh yeah.. I was so drawn into the thought of owning these, I forgot to get analytical. I agree with Shawncee, the "Ace" needs to be moved from the edge slightly to avoid clipping if printed poorly.

    Since the words on the bottom are pretty close too, I imagine you don't want to lose that symmetry, so I'd consider lowering the font a bit to pull both top and bottom away from the edge.

    I think my favorite part is that two-tone red on the heart. I hope printing these doesn't lose that vibrancy.

  4. Hey sergei, josh here! I think these are awesome and perfect for one of the illustration assignments next semester! Lol in regards to the "ace" being too high, I agree. My suggestion is to make it the same spacing as the "p" in spades. In regards to the splattering, I love it on all the cards but the ace of clubs, there isn't as much spotting on it as there is with the other 3. I'd be interested to see how you tackle the face cards to marry with these shapes, while keeping the vintage/grunge aesthetic intact.

  5. Thanks guys for all the comments. I will move the text around to not agitate anybody's typographical likings.

    Bo: Im looking into deck printing. Its kinda of expensive, but if we ever get an art table at a convention, ill print the shit out of these and sell em.

    Josh: Thanks. I bet david would love these, since there was zero hand work put into the cards, all digital. I also agree about clubs, I think it could be improved.

    Seta: I noticed the red splatters, but it was too damn late. Its just another layers and Ill get rid of it!
