
I don't always like Animu

I dont always like animu, but when I do, its this guy.

I really like his work, despite its obvious flaws.




Dont Sue me bro, don't sue me...

EDIT I removed the full picture because I was being a paranoid parrot.

Ok, im not sure if Im even allowed to show this, Ill ask at work. But I have been working on "STUFF" for a company that does "STUFF".

This is the tutorial for our "STUFF"

Ill read some of the "fake" names that I used in the tutorial. 

1. Dodgerfan 

2. ShepBook

3. Kelly

4. SimonTam

5. MalReynolds

6. Anonymous

7. EricG

8. Leafinthewind

Bringing the Cool back in Skcool...

 A mood painting for a indie game, doubt it'll be developed. It's only paid, personal, or educational work from this point on.
 a how to take designs and make them in isometric perspective....^
 A step by step with the grid...^

 These comic pages were done over summer as a sample comic on Caravaggio and his murder/love triangle.
So kids its time to get SCHOOLED!
Fyi, best decision to be the assistant in Fig. drawing for Illustration! gotta stick it out for an extra year though XD. Here's some shit I did. I love that you guys are pushing your art out of school!


Can't have nice things

Noooo, Sergio Toppi. This guy was an extreme badass, his ink work always floored me.. masterful.

Expect my posts to just be blubbering about other artists for a bit because I've developed some wrist troubles. Dark days, doods, dark days ahead..


Painting is for bitches.

Welp. time is going by and I am not doing shit, artwise. Its pretty sad. Working 8-10 hours per day, staring at boring ass illustrator files. I have forsaken our dear leader Kim Jon Christiana. I think that guy had a legitimate reason to hate my and my art, because I was a faker. Or it's a self fulfilling prophecy, that because he though I was a faker, I turned out to be a faker.

But surely and slowly, we'll keep on trying!



Stupid thingy

 Based on my Aion character that I played very briefly. Giant amazon bitch lmao. My buddies played a tiny magical girl and a sissy ranger. Fail party!

Sketch of Kyle from Italia

Crop of another thing

Haven't been sleeping well at all lately... Ugh, go away insomnia :|


Black and white sketchydoodles

 Here are some sketches I did before bed the other night. Music powered by Sword and Sworcery LP, I've had this on repeat since I heard it and reallllyy wanna buy that game. Alas, it'll hafta wait.. Being an adult.. priorities. Waaaah.

 Mark drew me this really cute picture on Tumblr so I drew this for him in return because Mark is awesome. And I don't know how he ever put up with me being overly excited always and forever.