
Painting is for bitches.

Welp. time is going by and I am not doing shit, artwise. Its pretty sad. Working 8-10 hours per day, staring at boring ass illustrator files. I have forsaken our dear leader Kim Jon Christiana. I think that guy had a legitimate reason to hate my and my art, because I was a faker. Or it's a self fulfilling prophecy, that because he though I was a faker, I turned out to be a faker.

But surely and slowly, we'll keep on trying!


  1. Maaaan, you know he didn't hate you or your art! Haha. Dood, if you wanna keep drawing, then draw. Don't do it because you feel like you have to; there are no teachers in the mix anymore, you can cater to yourself. If you prefer design stuff I think that is okay too!

    Anyway, I really like that long face green guy! The treasure troll will give me nightmares for sure..

  2. Christiana just wanted you to push. But yeah man, you are totally free during non work hours to do whatever the fuck you want. So fuck it and enjoy it and then cry with it. It's good stuff mate, good stuff.

  3. I can't. I have a guilt ingrained in my soul. I have to be a fine artist first, and everything else second. Plus, I bet drawing for living would be so much more fulfilling!

    After all the shit we have been through, I don't think I can just stop drawing entirely. I can pretend, but in my heart I will always be an illustrator!
