
Can't have nice things

Noooo, Sergio Toppi. This guy was an extreme badass, his ink work always floored me.. masterful.

Expect my posts to just be blubbering about other artists for a bit because I've developed some wrist troubles. Dark days, doods, dark days ahead..


  1. 1932? holy shit thats old school! HIs stuff reminds me of the old D&D and other role playing game illustrations. Although, as you might already know, every time somebody dies with my name, I gain their strength and power.

    Wrist trouble? What happened? Is it from drawing too much? Because that would be a good sign! Or is it from fapping too much?

    At least you keep posting!

    1. For sure! I dunno if he did any tabletop, he was mostly in Italian comics I believe. But man, if you know any more illustrators like this let me knoooww. Sergio. I'd say you get a fourth of his strength for similarity.

      I've actually been working the streets, so many handjobs.. Actually it is from drawing, it sucks cause I was in such a fantastic groove. I can't play video games either. WOE.

      Yeah I'll try! Typing one handed is balls tho.

  2. Hes right about the elbow. Best handjobs come (get it?) when you put your whole arm into it. Got to use your shoulder.

    Thats like, the most honorable injury you get get from doing art. Not like a guy I knew who broke his wrist playing the piano.

    1. "More about arm and posture then elbow."

      Ouh wait, are we talking about handjobs or drawing now? Somehow this all seems so familiar and I miss your guys' horrible innuendo antics.

      I dunno about you but that guy sounds fucking hardcore..

    2. Those were good times indeed. Speaking of Sabo, I am required to work so I cannot attend D:. :insert super sabo sadface:

  3. More about arm and posture then elbow. Anyway, tiny details would literally take forever with no wrist motions, but I'll find a way.

    Haha you know it.. the streets of Saboten.
