
Dont Sue me bro, don't sue me...

EDIT I removed the full picture because I was being a paranoid parrot.

Ok, im not sure if Im even allowed to show this, Ill ask at work. But I have been working on "STUFF" for a company that does "STUFF".

This is the tutorial for our "STUFF"

Ill read some of the "fake" names that I used in the tutorial. 

1. Dodgerfan 

2. ShepBook

3. Kelly

4. SimonTam

5. MalReynolds

6. Anonymous

7. EricG

8. Leafinthewind


  1. Too bad I just e-mailed it to your BOSSES. So you're making interfaces and stuff?

    Haah, the gangs all there. hurhurur

    1. And stuff... Yeah I already feel bad about doing it. dont have to rub it in.

      Im actually allowed to post my android stuff, so this ok. Ill try to get more of the flow to show you what I have been doing.
