
Black and white sketchydoodles

 Here are some sketches I did before bed the other night. Music powered by Sword and Sworcery LP, I've had this on repeat since I heard it and reallllyy wanna buy that game. Alas, it'll hafta wait.. Being an adult.. priorities. Waaaah.

 Mark drew me this really cute picture on Tumblr so I drew this for him in return because Mark is awesome. And I don't know how he ever put up with me being overly excited always and forever.


  1. Lol *Waves hands up and down* That guy was sure interesting.

    Those drawing are mind fucking me. Are they done on paper and scanned with a high contrast that we can see the fibers, or did you put a texture over a digital drawing?

    1. Haha, it's digital and actually just a textured brush so I don't have to apply anything!

  2. you make me want to draw in my sleep!
