

*~*"Believe in your character." *~*


He makes me cry. I honestly had no intention of seeing Tangled because it looked dumb. Then I saw some of his concepts and changed my mind. weepweep. (aside from the ending it was kind of cute and hilarious)

He's worked on pretty much everything ever. Unfortunately, he just recently bid farewell to Disney but maybe he'll work on original stuff now? *glee*


Pheonix Comic Con


Pheonix Comic Con is coming up soon and now HYATT hotel is SOLD OUT!

The last hotel that is close is Marriott's Renaissance Hotel one block away from the PCC. Ranging $189 or $121 A night if the promotion works?! So lol that being said who wants to share a room, damn its $500-$1,000 to book MAY 23-28...sooo yeah. On top of the amount for the table...this is an expensive venture but we must make it happen!

We need someone to book the hotel room who has room on their credit card and then get paid by everyone who will be rooming.



Bo and Holly: Have room for 2 others.
Kate: will be staying with her parents


V The Merrily Modern Satyr

So I decided against doing a creature, but somethings more anthropomorphic. :3 A Satyr! In Greek and Roman times, they were always male, telling stories, at Pan and Dionysus's (God of Wine) sides. Other than being entertainers, they were also drunkards and at time lady pillagers. >3<

I thought this character would be fun as my theif. Fufufufufufufu.


portfolio book prototype.

Im working out (Im sexy and I know it) a portfolio book to send out to potential employers, because I'm a corporate whore sell out and I want to have a 9 to 5 design job. I want something to look nice and to show to people to keep, and also keep it inexpensive.

Im testing Create-space printing and its interesting. They are sort of dicks about the file preparation and getting things shipped on time. Their pages are also not glossy, which doesn't do much for images. Although they are cheap, and their perfect bind isn't that bad at all. This book is just something to sell or give away, because its got a random collection of images I made last year, but the final book will have the crop of the cream.

Judging BobSquarepants

I made the one on the left yesterday. Don't judge.

Ahh, this was the second part to my valentine day picture but I never finished it. ONE DAY, I'll fix it up.

This is a spread from my bookmaking class I finished recently.

gaiz I am so unfocused lately it's almost funny. Almost.



late night/early morning digital painting session

I tried to screen capture my process on this guy, it took two hours AND WHEN I FINISHED THE PIECE?! stupid as screen capture didn't capture what I did XD...oh man.


improvement meme

Hard to tell if I improved at a all.

Drop of Red

See how they bleed.

I'm not gonna post all my capstone stuff here cause that seems weird to me. >__> So hay, a blog-chan. I'll try not to be so vague there but no promises, I guess. You can always ask me shit or tell me how much something is failing, haha :D


Movie stuff

my  friend is a film major and I volunteered to do some posters and shit for him, check it out:


Is this really wrong?

(picture above is related, Sorry I dont know the source, but yes its cloud wearing a dress)

I just want male anime characters to wear dresses and lingerie, and watch anime girls make out all day long. Thats why I love anime, and thats why people don't like me. Because thats weird.

Le Animation

Also check out this robot animation. I am too dumb to figure out how to embed shit, but go to this link and watch this:

Also this: Im sure you all saw it already.


Color is fun; color is infinite

playing with color and my new swatches :) its like getting a new set of paints!


RIP one of the GREATS!!!

Ralph McQuarrie - http://www.ralphmcquarrie.com/

This made basically invented the look of starwars...HOT DAMN!
But of course like any amazing artist he kept going, never satisfied...worked on Close Encounters, ET, Back to the Future, Star Trek, Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark...and MANY OTHERS!

PLUS Advertising, computer game packaging and production art, personal work and EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN!!!

Sad that he's gone, he has become one with the force...

Sachin Teng

Sachin Teng is a monster and don't you ever forget it.


Uh.. welp

I'm in that weird apathetic place. Hopefully spring break will rekindle light some kind of fire under my ass.

Quietly steeling myself against everyone's lame comparisons. In the meantime, this is Enka: no nonsense, no sense of humor. To the point that it's kind of hilarious. This was the first color pass, I've altered the design a bit since.

This is a little dood named Elm.

This is a hippo in my new favorite program, Sai.

That awkward moment when you wish you did immortal mechas for your senior capstone.


Me as a Thief WOP

Im doing lifework, and I never do lifework, because lifework is for pussies. Anyway Im really enjoying the josh method (I don't know, he's some sort of fucking photoshop wizard he showed me stuff about blocking and modeling brushes or some shit) I feel bad giving colin hard time, line art is hard, and getting it well done is important.

Let me know what you guys think about me as a thief (more like a bruiser then a thief)

Also, check out my website: http://beta.bigblackbag.net/web/default.asp?WebsiteID=42063 Ellen said nothing of value about the website, so what do you guys think??