
Me as a Thief WOP

Im doing lifework, and I never do lifework, because lifework is for pussies. Anyway Im really enjoying the josh method (I don't know, he's some sort of fucking photoshop wizard he showed me stuff about blocking and modeling brushes or some shit) I feel bad giving colin hard time, line art is hard, and getting it well done is important.

Let me know what you guys think about me as a thief (more like a bruiser then a thief)

Also, check out my website: http://beta.bigblackbag.net/web/default.asp?WebsiteID=42063 Ellen said nothing of value about the website, so what do you guys think??


  1. Your site looks fine to me? The contact page isn't loading any text on my browser and to be nit-picky I don't like your hover color for the links. Haha >:}

    It's totally thief like. I imagine your character smashing the mug over someone's head and stealing their shiny loot. W-what. Are you actually giving Colin props.. .?!?

    [important]does the cod piece shoot lasers[/important]

  2. Thats the thing about heroes and villains. You hate, but you also respect. Thats what its always been about. If you don't respect them, then you just off them when youre either hero or villain. When you are nemesis, there is a relationship there.

    It doesn't shoot lasers.... its for protection (get it? get it!?!?)

  3. Bruly man. Happy trails and a beauty mark. He look like the kind of guy I'd hang with. >:D

    Line Art can be a pain sometimes... >n< I cannot even delve into what it takes out of you when doing graphic novels or the like... ;3; The line weights can be fun to play with though. XP

    If you have the hover color on the website somewhere, I think it would work! Your color choices are soooo you! So rustic and steam punnkish! >3< But the work you decided to show in your slides were very good choices!! >3< The burger king advertisement could be worked on for the logo portion but other than that! My thumbs are up!

    I will upload my thief soon. :3 He will be a girlly satyr. Fufufufufufuuuuu instead of a creature. :3
