
portfolio book prototype.

Im working out (Im sexy and I know it) a portfolio book to send out to potential employers, because I'm a corporate whore sell out and I want to have a 9 to 5 design job. I want something to look nice and to show to people to keep, and also keep it inexpensive.

Im testing Create-space printing and its interesting. They are sort of dicks about the file preparation and getting things shipped on time. Their pages are also not glossy, which doesn't do much for images. Although they are cheap, and their perfect bind isn't that bad at all. This book is just something to sell or give away, because its got a random collection of images I made last year, but the final book will have the crop of the cream.


  1. DUDE!!! That is sooo pro! How does it feel to have your work in your hands in published form? Must be super cool! From Computer to a physical book!

  2. I like this so much, the type and placement looks nice. Also the slip cover is a really good addition. Only crit for the final would be maybe doing some new art for the cover because I think you've learned a lot since making that piece. You gotta show me in person the next time I see you!

  3. @ Seta. I know that you're not suppose to attach yourself to anything, but for some reason I think that that is my best thing I've done so far. I am sort of branding myself with it, but you're totally right. Its going to be hard to find a replacement even though its badly needed

    @ Cindy, I know I love to see how things come out. Especially when you do a lot of digital stuff its sometimes hard to see things beyond the files on your computer
