
Bot II [wip]

To be less vague:
First, this is simply an excerpt/exercise, I'm not getting crazy and making an actual comic >__>

Elm and Kingdom seek shelter in an underground city to avoid traveling in a severe sandstorm. The city was mostly evacuated because of an earthquake earlier in the story (like chapter 2, these pages take place around chapter 6).
extra unnecessary shit
Kingdom leaves Elm to go scouting because the lower levels are where the arenas + dogs/gladiators were and their trainers are pretty much assholes so only high level doods were taken. Low level and dogs in training were left behind. They're not friendly. And are just kinda creepy. and punch things. cats

how does be do comicks

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you got a whole big story already planned! I hear things like "chapter 6" and think this is going to be a long project?

    I actually want to see these dogs, because if I know anything about Setas drawings, then those are going to be some fucked up dogs.

    As far as the page here, I like the stone work look. It definitely has that underground damp forgotten feel! Obviously you're a super double pro at drawing your own character so that goes without saying.

    Can't wait to see the final piece!
