

Hey guys! This is Sergei, you might have seen me at the Phoenix Comic Con. Welcome to our website. Feel free to look through our posts, or check individual artist's pages above! Feel free to email us with questions, comments, or concerns. If you dont see an email for a particular questions or have general questions but dont know who to address, feel free to email me ( email@sergeituterov.com )

Once again, thanks for visiting our booth and checking out our website!


Greetings From Phoenix Comic Con!

Hey to everyone from Phoenix Comic Con! We have been having a blast and hope you have been too, don't forget to stop by our booth #254...ESPECIALLY NOW!

If you haven't seen it since Saturday your in for a treat. Now featuring our MASS EFFECT Fan Favorites on SALE now! These are never before seen prints by Joshua Meehan one of the artists in the Art Collective, BAND OF THIEVES. Don't wait to get your hands on Liara, Garrus, and Thane! Also check out the other exclusive art and other Fan favorite pieces on display this weekend only! Only at Phoenix Comic Con!

We'd would also like to thank everyone whose been stopping by and chatting with us, hanging out, and sharing a general love of art. You guys are awesome!


tali vas normandy

Exhibitors, Small Press, Artist,

Exhibitors, Small Press, Artist,
Phoenix Comicon is only a few weeks away, May 24th-27th, 2011.  Please take a moment to read the exhibitor information below, which will provide you with necessary information to help make your participation in the event more enjoyable.  If you have any follow up questions, please do not hesitate to contact JaC Hyde, Exhibitor Manager atexhibitor@phoenixcomicon.com
 1.    Event Location
Phoenix Convention Center 
North Building
100 North Third St.,
Phoenix AZ 85004-2231
Tel: (602) 262-6225
2.    Setup/Takedown dates and times:
Exhibitor Set Up
Opens To Attendees
Closes to Attendees


Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Thursday,  May 24th, 2012
Friday, May 25th, 2012
Saturday, May 26th, 2012
Sunday, May 27th, 2012

*Everyone must be out of the Exhibit Hall 1 hour following close each day.
† Load out begins at 5 PM and must be complete by 10 PM unless prior approval is obtained from the Exhibitor Manager.

3.    Service Contractor
a.      As you already know, CSI etc. is our services provider for Phoenix Comicon.  CSI is your source for any additional service requirements needed to make you successful during the event.  CSI etc. will be onsite at their “Service Desk” during move-in and move-out to assist with any last minute needs and to answer any questions you may have.  CSI etc. can be reached at cs@meetcsi.com or 800-471-7330.
 4.    Move-in/Move-out Process
a.    Move-in - All exhibitors requiring dock access must check into CPEG which is located in the street level of the parking garage on the NE corner of 5th Street and Jefferson between the hours of 9:30am - 8:00PM on May 23th and 7:30AM-3:00PM on May 24th to acquire a dock pass. Once a dock pass has been issued the exhibitor will be instructed to proceed to the dock entrance and directed to the dock number assigned to them. Exhibitors will have (15 min.) to unload and move their vehicle to a parking area.
b.    Move–out - The move out process will be the same. Check in at CPEG and acquire a dock pass.  Please do not get a dock pass unless your exhibit has been packed up and ready to load.

 5.    Parking
a.    Overnight parking
                                          i.    Due to city-zoning restrictions, overnight parking is not permitted in Phoenix Convention Center parking garages.
b.    Oversize vehicles/trailers
                                          i.    Parking for large vehicles/trailers is available on a first-come, first-served basis in the East Garage, located at 601 E. Washington St. As space is limited, any vehicle requiring more than one space will pay a fee for each space.
                                        ii.    In order to accommodate the needs of as many clients/vendors/exhibitors as possible, the convention center requires that users park oversize vehicles on the first level and all accompanying vans, trucks and cars may be parked on upper levels (second floor or higher) of the East Garage at the pre-approved or market rate.
c.    Parking Map
                                          i.    See Map Below
d.    Phoenix Suns Parking Garage:
                                          i.    We have negotiated a special $5 parking rate with the Phoenix Suns parking garage. See attached PDF voucher for further information.

6.    Exhibitor Badges
a.    During Exhibitor setup times for Wednesday & Thursday May 23th & 24th, the North Building Lower Level Dock which has been setup with a cashier station for the purchase of additional Exhibitor Badges.
b.    During Preview Night Thursday and Friday morning until the hall opens at 10:00 am, Exhibitor Badges will be available at Registration. Additional Exhibitor Badges will not be available for purchase after these times.
c.    Badges will not be replaced if lost.
 7.    Rule & Regulations
a.    Signs, etc. may be attached to the pipe & drapes, but must be attached with approved devices and not exceed 20 lbs.  See CSI for details.
b.    Displays, demonstrations or distribution of advertising materials, are not permitted outside the confines of your booth/table.
c.    Only service and assistance animals are permitted in the Phoenix Convention Center.
d.    Helium balloons are not permitted in the show.
e.    Outside food/drink not allowed in the Convention Center, no coolers.

8.    Fire Marshal Inspections

a.    Before the doors open to the public each day, a final fire department walk through is conducted.  This walk through is conducted to insure all safety and fire codes are met.  Any issues found will have to be corrected before the public is allowed in.  Don’t be the one to cause this delay.   Please follow these tips to ensure you are not.
b.    Some common fire code issues that we encounter during our walk through are listed below:
                                      I.        You may have only a one day supply of combustibles (handouts, giveaways, etc.) within your booth. 
                                    II.        No empty boxes are allowed anywhere in the booth.
                                   III.        No combustibles may be stored behind the booth.  We do allow the hard plastic carry case for the booth display behind the booth.
                                  IV.        The only electrical extension cords allowed are grounded.  You cannot daisy-chain power strips together.  No zip cords allowed.
                                   V.        Any decorative materials that are not standard pipe and drape must be flame retardant.  We request a copy of the flame retardant certificate prior to the show.  If a certificate is not presented, a sample of the material can be tested.  If the material fails, it will need to be removed.  If the material has no certificate and is not tested, it will need to be removed.
                                  VI.        Pop up tents and canopies do need prior approval by the Fire Marshal
                                 VII.        No plastic tablecloths or decorations are allowed.
                               VIII.        All items must be within the boundaries of the individual booths.  Aisles must be maintained at a minimum 10 feet wide.
                                  IX.        No candles or open flames are allowed in the halls, meeting rooms or dining rooms.

These are the most common fire code issues we encounter.  For additional fire code requirements or questions please contact Mary Schilling at
mary.schilling@phoenix.gov .
We look forward to working with each of you and your teams.  Please let me know if I can be of assistance in making this event even more enjoyable for you.

Thank you again for your interest in being a part of the Phoenix Comicon 2012 experience. 

JaC Hyde
Exhibit Management
Phoenix Comicon 2012



Hi-fi about comics and cons!

 Amazing podcast!

THIS MAKES ME FEEL LIKE WE ARE DOING THINGS RIGHT! We just need to finish it all ho man...I can't even make prints till next week cause I just don't have any money till then!


Finally a little down time...then back to work!

Hey here's a painting I did for a buddy of mine who turned 21 today.

Source File for Banner


Banner PCC

                                               WHICH ONE DO YOU GUYS WANT?!

Background color:

Corrupted Core


Karl Kwasny AKA Monaux

I like Monaux for a lot of reasons but I was really stunned to find out all of his type work is handmade with a brush. Crazy guy!

His illustrations are obviously on point too, but I don't know of too many people currently who can handle type and illustration so elegantly together. 




Dude is amazing, I found his DOTA2 Webcomic and had my mind blown. You guys will agree.
I just didn't find the name of him until now.


Process vid:

collection of art

passing thought

Just curious about everyone's thoughts on a facebook group? We would still have this hub, of course, but I think it might be easier for some people to remember we exist and want to see what they are working on. LOL <3

Lemme know.


Jane The RIpper

I have been playing around with the idea of a female "Jack the Ripper" Maybe a comic or something. Meanwhile there is still so much shit to do, that its hard to get any time for personal work. Here is a quick drawing thingy.


something something tired

Something something old, vague work. Top--bottom> Page from Z, Enka design, page from Journey.

Also graduating. ╹ 
Gonna lay down and not move for a while.



Our awesome (by the way, our booth could have been called awesome shop) neighbor http://anabelmartinez.com/ had some suggestions for newcomers.

Im sure there is going to be more information at the seminar, this Wed that you should all go to. She said that we shouldn't devalue our work, because it devalues everybody else around. She said that we should price our tabloid prints at $20.

"I think the biggest advice I can give is NOT to undersell yourself. Some artists undercharge, and screw over other artists. Double what you normally charge- like, I do $20 for my 11x17, or 2 for $30. :) Stuff above $20 doesn't sell as easy, $20 seems to be a magic number. Smaller stuff can go for $5-10.

I sat next to a guy last year who didn't undercut me, and we both did good. A row over, an artist was charging half of what he should have, and all the other poor artists had to lower their art to match his over the weekend. :( "

She also gave us a few links that we should check it out.

Another important issue she brought up was about Colin Mulkerin. Although Im not sure how well she knows Colin she said something that goes like this:

"Oh Colin? Yeah I know him, he's in your group? I hate that guy. You know he is writing a book  about glowing angelic junk? Why does he always argue with Sergei, he knows that Sergei is awesome right?"

Thats pretty much what she said, word for word. Its got quotation marks around it, that means its a fact.