
passing thought

Just curious about everyone's thoughts on a facebook group? We would still have this hub, of course, but I think it might be easier for some people to remember we exist and want to see what they are working on. LOL <3

Lemme know.


  1. Remember though, posting artwork on Facebook, makes your artwork belong to them. So gotta be careful about posting art things

    1. Can you elaborate more on this? Has anyone ever experienced a problem with this? It's just that a similar thing was brought up about deviantart as well.

    2. I was doing some research and somebody quoted their terms and agreements:

      "you grant facebook a "transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use any IP content that you post on or in connection with Facebook"

      Thats sounds pretty bad. I think if you want to post something on Facebook, do a little thumbnail to your own website or here on this blog with the full artwork. Just to host images here and not on Facebook

    3. Alright, cool. Better kept on the blog then. Seems like it might be redundant to have a group if it'll just be posts that say: "Hey check the blog >__>" Haha.

    4. or use the share button on the blog to host the images. I think you can share things, because you're not uploading them to Facebook. Its the uploading that makes the art work theirs.

  2. don't post artwork, just links to artwork with this site as the main hub...they can own all the links. they want
