

Our awesome (by the way, our booth could have been called awesome shop) neighbor http://anabelmartinez.com/ had some suggestions for newcomers.

Im sure there is going to be more information at the seminar, this Wed that you should all go to. She said that we shouldn't devalue our work, because it devalues everybody else around. She said that we should price our tabloid prints at $20.

"I think the biggest advice I can give is NOT to undersell yourself. Some artists undercharge, and screw over other artists. Double what you normally charge- like, I do $20 for my 11x17, or 2 for $30. :) Stuff above $20 doesn't sell as easy, $20 seems to be a magic number. Smaller stuff can go for $5-10.

I sat next to a guy last year who didn't undercut me, and we both did good. A row over, an artist was charging half of what he should have, and all the other poor artists had to lower their art to match his over the weekend. :( "

She also gave us a few links that we should check it out.

Another important issue she brought up was about Colin Mulkerin. Although Im not sure how well she knows Colin she said something that goes like this:

"Oh Colin? Yeah I know him, he's in your group? I hate that guy. You know he is writing a book  about glowing angelic junk? Why does he always argue with Sergei, he knows that Sergei is awesome right?"

Thats pretty much what she said, word for word. Its got quotation marks around it, that means its a fact.

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