
Obligatory pompadour

Sketch commission I finished tonight.
Wip of Kingdom (cat thing) and Elm (feather thing) ala Last Dove.



Here are some concepts for an article illustration in steam punk magazine



Lets have anywhere from 3 to 6 lynch pins that will tie the stories together. Sort of have them in a chronological order, and they will make up a timeline that the reader will use to figure out when things are happening.

Possible lynch pins / events:

  • Going through a bunch of tunnels
  • A shoot out between the armed and the monsters
  • Train hitting a bump and shaking up for a few moments
  • Somebody Screaming
  • Windows breaking
  • A train cart getting disconnected (People in that cart could be their own perspective)
  • Some sort of preacher spitting out religious verses
  • Emergency breaks screeching
  • Somebody or Something standing on the tracks
  • Or somebody or something standing along the rails (Like a creepy girl waving at the train as it rolls by)
  • A one liner that somebody yells out (Like a Sam. Jackson type of tough guy saying: "Ive had it with these motherfucking monsters on this motherfucking train." Or another type of one liner like: "You think you're bad? WELL SAY HELLO TO MY SIX CHAMBERED COLD STEEL ANGEL OF DEATH *blam* *BLAM* *BLAM*.

Anyway, lets figure out a few of them and put em in a chronological order so we can get the scripts written!

Layout Pages

I really like the way Brett Weldele lays our his pages in the Surrogates. I actually used it as a model for some of my other comic books.

Lars Martinson's tonoharu is also pretty simple. His books are often long and sort of drawn out, but there is something in the monotony of his layouts that allows him to tell a story like a book, no splash pages, just to the story of loneliness and isolation.

Eleanor Davis also does interesting comics. She mostly does children's books, and I don't think that our project fits that description, but her layouts are always in a strict grid like environment that looks good on a page.

Also Ill probably lose points in everyones books but Ben Templesmith's 30days of night was also an interesting comic. When he's not going full retard on the splash pages, his layouts and grids are often really nice.

Shaun Tan (not shawn ten, who is some sort of gymnast hottie according to google image search) the arrival was also wordless and very nice.

Samura is still king

Ahh, there are so so so many good comics floating around. Anyway, as far as paneling goes, Takeru is one of my absolute favorites because of his simplicity.

And, of course Hiroaki Samura (no I will never stop adoring him everever what a master)

He's also very simple in his panels and saves spreads for really epic shit that blows your pants off. Above is the flow of panels that Telophase drew.


Sharing... Tuesday?

It's not Saturday, but I have no idea where I'll be or what I'll be doing when this weekend hits and I just couldn't wait to show this person's site!


You guys might recognize this little gem. She's the artist that sculpted cheeks' Kuta character.

And for those interested in learning how she did it, she has a tutorial on how she makes maquettes here: http://irenestutorial.blogspot.com/



Space evil baby

Why the fuck am I so weird?

Every time I try to draw, weird fucking crazy shit comes out. I think I'm mentally troubled and or damaged. Normal people don't draw this shit... Thats all Im saying'


Sharing sunday cause saturday flew by...

This link is a compilation of conceptart from Final Fantasy I all the way to Final Fantasy XXXXXXX etc. etc.

Very crazy to see the difference and how it's changed...from Yoshitaka Amano (FF1-6, 9) to Tetsuya Nomura (FF 7-10, X-2). Tactics is Akihiko Yoshida. 3 different character artists one game world. Drastically different!

ALSO another link to ONE AWESOME COMIC! for a video game called Dota2.

Kendrick Lim "Kunkka" illustrator and co founder of IFS (Imaginary Friends) studios.

:) kk I'm done working hard and keeping busy that's my motto. So off to work I go



Hey sup ya'll.

I think we should do a project over the break. Something substantial.
Like a comic book or something. It will be awesome!



DYE "Fantasy" Official Video by JEREMIE PERIN from TIGERSUSHI on Vimeo.

Absolutely awesome, absolutely nsfw. I guess.
I'll be posting art stuff on my other blog and tumblr since everyone seems to have split for December.

Have a nice winter~!


Little before work sketch. Was watching my friend play the werewolf in Skyrim.. Sooo underpowered. Sad day. :|



Im trying out sketchbook for digital stuff. That shit is weird, and the drawing pad's hot keys and functions don't translate at all. If anyone has tricks or tips for using sketchbook please share!


the Triptych

Here are some details of the Digital Illustration pieces I did last night...worked a long time and I'm very happy with the direction one of them has gone. Good luck to everyone and see you at 1pm! dont forget the CD/USB with all of the projects you made in the course!

You know what they say about them art students...


BEST AD FOR ART SCHOOL EVER! see more on the sight they are all pretty clever

digital painting finals

so I doubt you guys will be looking at this before class but I figured I'd put it up...

Bring all the digital pieces you've ever done to class! in digital format of course >.> On cd, email, or thumbdrive/stick/thing. yeaaaaah!

Who knows what we are doing with it all, maybe giving a quick synopsis on our stuff...

Honestly I can't believe I did every project the night before and this last one (2x the work in half the time shit!)

But I believe I've found my way of working that is fun and exciting and quick.


Tiniest inquisitor

He hates Chaos,

He hates mutants,

He hates Xenos,

Hes.... Tiny Tim,

Inquisitor Tim

Don't make him angry, or he'll declare your planet exterminatus, and fiery death will rain down upon everyone living there!

Wip wip wip it

No lie, I have such a soft spot for dancers.. They make me swoon every time. Anyways, above is for tomorrow. Below is a warm up birthday sketch.