

Hey sup ya'll.

I think we should do a project over the break. Something substantial.
Like a comic book or something. It will be awesome!


  1. wtf people still look at this!?

    But yes, that is an excellent idea. Are you thinking about a collab comic or each doing our own thing?!!?

  2. Im thinking a collaboration of some sort.

    I mean ideally, the way I see it in my mind, a perfect roster would go:

    1. Colin writing the script,
    2. Holly doing the covers
    3. Josh and Seta doing the art
    4. Bo doing the backdrops. backgrounds
    5. Me doing the layouts, and the post production.

    however because I actually want to get this done, I don't know who would be participating and on what scale.

    Am I being stereotypical much?

    Let me know people what you want to do.

  3. I'd be interested, but let's gauge everyone else?

  4. I'm interested :) I havent been on the blog for a while really busy with the working full time :).

    but yeah I'm down to make some lines on paper...take an eye-dropper and some ink to make the art for the panels

  5. So josh and shancieeee are the only ones interested? If so lets come up with something awesome
