

Lets have anywhere from 3 to 6 lynch pins that will tie the stories together. Sort of have them in a chronological order, and they will make up a timeline that the reader will use to figure out when things are happening.

Possible lynch pins / events:

  • Going through a bunch of tunnels
  • A shoot out between the armed and the monsters
  • Train hitting a bump and shaking up for a few moments
  • Somebody Screaming
  • Windows breaking
  • A train cart getting disconnected (People in that cart could be their own perspective)
  • Some sort of preacher spitting out religious verses
  • Emergency breaks screeching
  • Somebody or Something standing on the tracks
  • Or somebody or something standing along the rails (Like a creepy girl waving at the train as it rolls by)
  • A one liner that somebody yells out (Like a Sam. Jackson type of tough guy saying: "Ive had it with these motherfucking monsters on this motherfucking train." Or another type of one liner like: "You think you're bad? WELL SAY HELLO TO MY SIX CHAMBERED COLD STEEL ANGEL OF DEATH *blam* *BLAM* *BLAM*.

Anyway, lets figure out a few of them and put em in a chronological order so we can get the scripts written!

1 comment:

  1. I like, train car getting disconnected, woman screaming, Shootout between armed and monsters, sombody or something on the rails, and to sum it up the one liner "Ive HAD IT WITH THESE MOTHERFUCKING MONSTERS ON THIS MOTHERFUCKING TRAIN!"
