
I love coloring bruises

20min creeper before I go to work. Because I really don't want to go to work today. Just wanna eat candy and marathon scary movies and scare myself with scary games.

Whambulence, imminent.

Halloween.. fuck yeah.

Isn't it interesting when you don't care to do something.. you'll find every excuse ever to continue putting it off? This class is a waste of time. Unrelated drawings: above (quick sketch kitsune) below, for a convention's badge, the character is from Persona 4, but I'm probably alone in my fondness for that game.



My project is to make an art book based on the idea of people living in  a garbage waste land.
Im still trying to get my drawing skills up to the task, but I feel that somehow Im actually getting slightly  better and I might even have work when I get out of school!


Seta doesn't afraid of anything

My annual rpg badge thing.

What do you mean rouges can't be tanks? In my head I am the tank.


this is a sketch i did today...2 hrs. sorry i wasnt there for critique



I only was able to quasi-finish these dudes...


Fuck Me

Feel like I've been at this forever, I hate excuses, I wanna get it done. I need something. Fffuck.

Unrelated breaktime asshattery (btw I used one of your textures, Sergei. Worked nicely, thanks)

Draw on, bros.


Sharing Saturday II

Guillaume Ospital aka Crowley
Check it.

Sharing Saturday I

To be perfectly honest, I don't really follow fashion or the like, gives me a knee-jerk, eye roll reaction, but I can't really deny the beauty in McQueen's designs. They remind me more of character designs than they do of hollow runway shit.

You can see more at Savage Beauty


Commission stuffs

Other sketches

Other sketches

This was a fun experience going back and forth designing a monster for this guy. :D! These are the final concept sketches.

Hey, here is a cute thing. * O * My characters Kiche and Raphael trick or treating. Haah

For the Imperium of man


Living Star

Sharing Saturday

This guy's art I've followed for a while on devart and looks like he's finally getting his own art book.

Thought you guys might like it.


this ones for you, bo

Done and done

Game project

hey guys things are crazy here in the big apple, with a wedding, sight-seeing, and meeting of everyone, all the while trying to work on homework lol. Not that easy, but I hope everything is going well for you guys. I'm going to post my WIP of one of the playable riders that would be in this game for the game project... possibly some vehicle sketches too.

Journal Entry for Next TUESDAY!

Okay dokey! The Journals are back on! Journals have been switched and the theme is set.

1. Open your Media Player, Itunes, etc.
2. Hit Random
3. The 1st song that plays is your theme
4. Write the Title of the song and band
5. You've recieved your mission

I put the list here so there's a repeated recognition of it for next time. :3
1. Shawncee
2. Joshua
3. Bo
4. Holly
5. Colin
6. Sergei
7. Cindy

Again, good luck Josh where you are!



So many fantastic webcomics around, makes me almost want to do sequentials for the next project.


Sfeer Theory

If you still don't know Lackadaisy you are a giant derp and I take back my friendship bracelet.


Stuxnet: Anatomy of a Computer Virus from Patrick Clair on Vimeo.

Misc Awesome

If you've never seen Mucha's other work.. Extravagant ass kicking.

By Greg Broadmore

Wish you could post side by side on blogspot, but alas.. Draw on.


Something something band of thieves.

racer suit

more wip

Yo, Thought you might like this work in progress on a driver for my game proposal...
I'm probably going to get rid of the background cause it's not quite working for me, too busy. slowly but surely working down the figure and then the helmet :) will more than likely run into problems with the legs. hmmmm

digital painting

so this is where I'm at on the project...meh I think its interesting, but not cohesive. could use some input :)



I haven't done any before bed sketches in a while + needed some catharsis, thus.. Above is my crazy character, Kayushi.


TAD Digital Media

So Shawncee or Josh posted on this website having a sale on their videos about a month ago.

I finally broke down and grabbed a few of them. Let me know if any of you want any copies.

studio space

Hey gang ( last time ever that ill address you like that )

I have been doing research googling about studio spaces in tucson. From what I gathered, there are not that many of em out there.

So far only 2 places responded to my calls / emails.

Splinter Brothers& Sisters is a warehouse that have some office space. However they have some hard core welders and grinders ( not strippers ).
Their space is run by a lady from L.A. and she sounds cool. She said that as students, she will rent out the smaller room for 100+$ and I'm guessing the bigger room would be slightly more. the place is at 901n 13th Avenue, Tucson az 85705

The other place seems nicer, its at  748 N. Stone. The guy sounds king of like a dick in his email. He will rent us a room at $ 300 but it has wifi and utilities included. That space is 19x10 with "common" spaces, skylight, and a patio.

I just got done talking to another guy. He said that he has 4 buildings and he has studios ranging from $140-$300, and he was raving about the $300. It has a huge fucking window and a private entrance. After digital illustration, he is willing to drive us around to show us the buildings and the spaces.

So on friday we need to see all these places and figure out which one we want. It sounds like all of them are pretty lax and don't require a lease, so we would be able to go on monthly by monthly basis.

Just so you know, here is the break down
7 people (everyone) splitting 300 $ place is $42.85
6 people $50
5 people (for example me, josh, seta, colin, and bonana) $60 or price of going out 3 times

Basically it sounds expensive, but if we split it, it will be cheaper. Plus, were always looking for a place to hang out and do work.


Don't run with fire

okay finally finished this shit with sara welland, took all night but I think it turned out all right.
let me know what you guys think....this is that crazy. Phil Zimmerman is out sick and didn't show up so no school till 2pm...which is a critique. AWESOME!!! keep on kicking out this art shit it's awesome!

More WOP

Im worried bout this work, because I want to do the very first one right, and then Im sure Ill have more leeway and Ill do whatever the fuck I want.

I took bo's suggestion and increased the portrait size. I also tried to make more darker color. Im sort of running into trouble with the portrait hanging mid air. Because I really like the atmospheric feeling of the robot, but the portrait has to hang from somewhere,



Oh my shit, the convention kicked my ass but it was so much fun and so humbling and nice and warm fuzzies ahoy ; ;. I got two comic book offers, a story book one and asked to be interviewed (which I declined because I'm a nervous mess whatwhat) I'm so derpy as usual and forgot to photograph most of my commissions.. I was seriously struggling to finish them all on Sunday. LOL. Here is a small fraction of them, ect:

Oh yes! By the way, there is another convention coming up in Tucson at the beginning of November (5th-6th). It's Tucson Comic Con! One of the artists recommended this show to me so it'll be my first time attending and selling at a table there. It is unbelievably cheap if you just wanna attend ($3 for the day or $5 for both days). And I am more than happy to let you guys chill at my table/take commissions/sell prints/pretty much whatever.