
More WOP

Im worried bout this work, because I want to do the very first one right, and then Im sure Ill have more leeway and Ill do whatever the fuck I want.

I took bo's suggestion and increased the portrait size. I also tried to make more darker color. Im sort of running into trouble with the portrait hanging mid air. Because I really like the atmospheric feeling of the robot, but the portrait has to hang from somewhere,


  1. I still vote for vertical striped wallpaper, even though it'll be grayscale.. just make the values similar in contrast to keep it from looking too busy.

    Also, I liked the bowler hat more... =(

  2. Sergei: This is great stuff I'm so glad your able to do this! Your painting skillz have been improving dramatically with every painting.

    - Wallpaper that bitches pad, give us some variety and hint at how you want our eyes to bounce around...we've got the locations give us some pit stops.

    - I would like to see more interaction with the light source it looks very top lit...so I'd like to see more light on the top of the robot and/or some more interaction with the light hitting the floor...

    Over all very nice work in progress and keep kicking ass man!

  3. If you're not sold on a full blown wallpaper in the background, maybe try some other kind of hand painted texture.

    Watch dat picture frame.. S'all I'm saying. Hahaha

    Keep gooinnnnggg. I like what you're doing with the botty. :D
