
studio space

Hey gang ( last time ever that ill address you like that )

I have been doing research googling about studio spaces in tucson. From what I gathered, there are not that many of em out there.

So far only 2 places responded to my calls / emails.

Splinter Brothers& Sisters is a warehouse that have some office space. However they have some hard core welders and grinders ( not strippers ).
Their space is run by a lady from L.A. and she sounds cool. She said that as students, she will rent out the smaller room for 100+$ and I'm guessing the bigger room would be slightly more. the place is at 901n 13th Avenue, Tucson az 85705

The other place seems nicer, its at  748 N. Stone. The guy sounds king of like a dick in his email. He will rent us a room at $ 300 but it has wifi and utilities included. That space is 19x10 with "common" spaces, skylight, and a patio.

I just got done talking to another guy. He said that he has 4 buildings and he has studios ranging from $140-$300, and he was raving about the $300. It has a huge fucking window and a private entrance. After digital illustration, he is willing to drive us around to show us the buildings and the spaces.

So on friday we need to see all these places and figure out which one we want. It sounds like all of them are pretty lax and don't require a lease, so we would be able to go on monthly by monthly basis.

Just so you know, here is the break down
7 people (everyone) splitting 300 $ place is $42.85
6 people $50
5 people (for example me, josh, seta, colin, and bonana) $60 or price of going out 3 times

Basically it sounds expensive, but if we split it, it will be cheaper. Plus, were always looking for a place to hang out and do work.

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