
New Sketchbook Format

Ok, we're gunna see how this works out go from there on how we felt about the procedure.

What happens is a list of categories and words are generated (via dice rolls and a chart) and we all pick, combine, and group these words any way we want. This list is based on a Basic Generated sheet and if we like this format, there are more complex options which go from Basic to Creature and Objects/Weapons, etc.

Something to keep in mind - You do NOT have to use every word listed. The guide recommends using at least two to three. Later, we may decide on rules making it mandatory to use all of them, but for now, just do what you want.

Once you've become familiar with the words, the rules say to group them into Major Forms and Minor Forms. In the book, the example was making the Major Form as what the object was, aka "made of" or creature main form. The Minor Form was what the object's function consisted of. In the case of the book, it was a Shelled Frog that was also an Incense Burner.

Hope I haven't over complicated things! I'll bring the book to class if anyone wants to look at possible explanations/examples. Good Luck everyone!

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