
Generated Sketchbook Word List #1

Due Tuesday, 9/20

Here it goes!

Category : Group - Word

Animal: Mammal - Bear
Vegetable: Tree - Maple/Oak
Elemental: Earth & Metal - Glass/Crystal
Technology: Transport - Aircraft

Animal: Insect - Bee/Wasp
Vegetable: Plant - Desert Cacti
Elemental: Liquid - Fog/Vapor
Technology: Tool - Thread/Stitch

These are optional, should you wish to make a creature or device:

Emotion: Paranoid/Shifty
Action: Hanging/Climbing

You can choose from both groups of words, mixing and matching as you wish! For example, you can choose Bear and Fog OR Crystal, Aircraft and Desert Cacti.


  1. this will be great! I'm already excited to see how this plays out next week!

  2. I agree. I like this a looottt. Now I can't say you never post >:B
