
Dr. Pimpy pimp

He's got a PhD, I've seen the papers. B|

Oldy sketch I never finished. Ohohohoh homework!? What homework :D!?!?!



okay I would never do this if I didn't think you could all enjoy how awesome this is!

TAD media has digital downloads priced at $7.99...most of the proceeds go to conceptart.org 4.0.
But what most amazing is these are videos of classes by the pro's who get paid the BIG Bucks offering the biggest and best tips to be had all in one video.

Artist's include:
PHil Holland, C.F. Payne, Mark English, Dan Dos Santos, Jon Foster, Gary Kelley, Marshal Vandruff, George Pratt, Andrew Jones, Jason Manely, Jason Chan, James Kei, Sterling Hundley, Kemp Remillard, Gregory Manchess, and many more... haven't seen their stuff before check your copy of illustrator society or google them...just awesome work by these guys.

Usually these movies range $50 - $60 and I still get them when they are $25-$30 so this is the Lowest I've ever seen them.

So hit up this link http://theartdepartment.org/downloads and see if there is anything you would be interested in. cool have fun guys :)

Hijack for Homework!

So what sort of ideas do you guys have for the Portrait project??

I'm coming up blank atm. Spending enough time with another person seems troublesome, unless it were Holly which seems cliché and expected.. but the thought of it being an object... it just leaves me overwhelmed with possibilities.




So, I think I started the assignment wrong, and didn't bother to to finish it. Despite all the debating in-class, I initially chose to take the notion of "Tomorrow" proverbially as "the future".

My idea, basically, would've been a single location viewed at different timeframes and how it evolves or de-evolves. Anyways.... Here's where I stopped.

digital nowness

some stuff I've been playing with the past few weeks hope you like it.


hey here's a reminder to all you UA Art students,
Bring your Sketchbooks from last semester to school Thursday 8/25.

We will give everyone their original sketchbook and create a new theme for the week.

I'm excited,
See you all Thursday!


Supplies, ect

"Your past creations do not limit nor define your untried future efforts." - C. Goodwin.

Mister Goodwin delivers time and time again. He's one of those people whose work is not only fantastic, prolific, and experimental but someone whose vision is crystal clear. Check 'em out, you might dig, he's a very approachable guy.


Holy shit guys, new semester breathing down our backs! Anyways, I'm about to get a bunch of goodies from blick which is awesome and super cheap compared to the art stores around us. If you guys needed supplies too we could combine orders to save shipping? Just lemme know, if not I'll be eagerly camping out in the mail box for the next week.


Shepard Friday

ALL THIS SHEPARD.. . I miss playing mass effect :{.. maybe I'll PC it up since my PS2 won't even let me play games. I'm clearly deprived. Anyway, I blame Sergei for drawing Shepard and making me wanna draw my Sheppy. I barely remember what she looked like.. aside from her awesome broken hook nose.

I also tried out livestream with this one but.. it only captured about 15 mins of it(the whole thing was 30min total) It's really strange watching yourself draw.. . x__x

superwellow on livestream.com. Broadcast Live Free


My Shepard

What the fuck?

What the fuck is this?

--------> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Bc0mNcMaug <----------

I though you guys were my friends, and nobody has EVER EVEN FUCKING MENTIONED That this was possible.

Jesus fucking christ.


I don't even want to know what else you have been hiding from me. Im assuming there is a filter that just makes everything Fucking awesome, and nobody has yet to bring it up.

Honestly, shit like this puts a lot of strain on our friendship


Female shepard

THis sort of looks like crap. It looked better in my mind. In fact, This is just a place holder, Ill do a better one tomorrow. I spend the whole day cleaning the fucking house like some sort of house wife from the 50's.

But I'm against the chosen female Shepard. She looks sort of stereotipical.


6ft long legs

Because I was getting riled up about this over lunch the other day. LOL

Exquisite concept art by Wes Burt.

Some poop:

How does I be artist

I've been operating in this weird place recently where I don't know which direction I want my artwork to go. I love concept art for it's design, its impact. However, I like work that is simple, clean, full of underlying narrative. But I also like plain details. So many details. Haha.

Drawing is still and probably always will be cathartic to me. Not the picture itself, but the act, I suppose?! I feel like this kind of mindset is more aligned with fine art, which my interest in is minimal.

Anyway, at the end of the day it's up to meeeeeee to decide *flex* Until then, I've just been drawing whatever the fuck I want. No backgrounds? Fuck off. Black borders on everything, yessir! Terrible color combos? My specialty. >:}