
How does I be artist

I've been operating in this weird place recently where I don't know which direction I want my artwork to go. I love concept art for it's design, its impact. However, I like work that is simple, clean, full of underlying narrative. But I also like plain details. So many details. Haha.

Drawing is still and probably always will be cathartic to me. Not the picture itself, but the act, I suppose?! I feel like this kind of mindset is more aligned with fine art, which my interest in is minimal.

Anyway, at the end of the day it's up to meeeeeee to decide *flex* Until then, I've just been drawing whatever the fuck I want. No backgrounds? Fuck off. Black borders on everything, yessir! Terrible color combos? My specialty. >:}


  1. Well aint that a fucking question. Do what you want to do, and Ideally you'll end up doing what you want, and getting paid mad money. You don't have to pick a track, just do what you want to do and find a venue for it.

    Or be like everybody else, and let the job market dictate your artistic direction, either way, you're ending up doing art.

    Find an audience, and get them to support you.

  2. You're good enough to go either way. So I don't think you'll have a problem doing one or the other.

    THe main thing, the most important thing, is when you make it, you gots to pull me out of the shithole. Never forget.

  3. No kidding, siiiiiiiiiighhh. GROWING PAINS.

    It's strange, I just have a feeling that what sustains everyone else in the concept market, won't sustain me. I don't mean monetarily either. Concept art just seems so shallow sometimes, I would like to be like the few whose work is both conceptual and powerful.

    Haha, and always, bro. Got yo back, I'm sure I'll always have a couch if you need it. LOL
