
Rainy days

Rainy days make me want to paint! :)

Kung Fu Cooking Girls Original animation movie

Omg, guys. I know I'm posting a million things but you HAVE to watch this. The animation is spot on. The blonde girl is so funny. :D

Sharing Saturday IV

Saw this on my devart, and since you all seem to be doing coloring practice, thought I'd toss something at you.

Original link is HERE.


Sharing Saturday IV :D

I'm actually gonna get sleep tonight so I'mma post this now. Hopefully you haven't heard of these doods before but if you have then awesome. I'll make us matching friendship bracelets.

Sergey Kolesov (Peleng)

I think this guy's art is so beautiful.. At the risk of sounding corny, it definitely speaks to me. He's doing work I could totally get behind. This is his website.

Mukesh Singh

I think it's startlingly obvious why I love this guy's work so damn much. Unfortunately, he's a freakin' ninja and doesn't have a site, blog, or anything. The above images are from 18 Days. Which was going to be made into an animated series but was never finished because the world hates awesome things.

Such is life!

From the Vault

This was from like.. . . 2ish years ago. It was a character design from one of my classes. I decided to ink and color it today.



I might have fucked up. I kind of wish I went the design track, because Im getting a better feel for it. or its because its my job. whatever the case is, here is whats i got.


All day Every day

The less sleep I get, the weirder my drawings get. HOH


"Flat eyes" Color collaboration

okay so I made some line art, I thought it would be interesting to see if anyone wants to color for fun... :)


sharing saturday

Hey guys, Josh here with my first sharing Saturday edition! I was doing some snooping around an found this painter who has an interesting blend of both eastern and western artistic influence! Thought you might enjoy it!

check out more at:





For Bo. This is the awesomeness I was talking about.

This is some of the concept art that was released, unfortunately no artist in particular was credited.

wip landscape

hey heres a landscape I've put some sketch time into, I think I will be cutting the people out and changing the background to something more interesting, less sci fi.


Did someone say gold accessories

Guys, drawing is so swell.
Before bed sketch for today, also my inspirations for color. Bright purple is such a nasty color, unless used in moderation. >:{

That Cleopatra one is seriously one of my favorite paintings. Old skool is best skool, time and time again.

color collaboration

Hey seta,
I love your lines and here is my attempt at doing them justice. :)

Belated Sharing Saturday III

I hope I'm not too late for Sharing Saturday III! Just got this notification update through my devart watch list. I'm literally blown away by this guy every time I see these new tutorials he's been doing.



Editorial like

Color Collaborations?

Does anyone have anything like a sketch or lineart they wouldn't mind me bastardizing with color? Just post a linky to the file or upload it here I guess. :D!

This was a before bed sketch, then I remembered I liked brush inking. Woo, lion Djinn!


Sharing Saturday

THis is not strictly art related, but its pretty awesome.

Quick Sketch

Here is a quick drawing of a girl that I know. You guys probably dont know her. I think were in love, but her evil guardian wont have none of that. One day, maybe in the near future, we'll come together.



Let's just say I shit my pants when I found this at the library of all places. I had my eye on this book for a long while now and it's just as good as I thought it would be. Initial interest in his work came from his sketches, of course. The linework and sheer energy is pretty unreal.
This book has a lot of insight on his art, philosophy, process, what it's like to work for Marvel, ect. Nearly every piece is accompanied by an explanation and it's just as pleasing to read as viewing the artwork itself. He doesn't have an official website, but google will turn up a handful of images if you're interested. Which you should be.

These photos are courtesy of ParkaBlogs. WHICH I SUPER RECOMMEND if you're an artbook junkie like myself. And even if you're not. Don't be a loser.

Did I mention his hair is badass? Cause thats important. Also he's self-taught.. Just saying, busting your ass is never in vain.




Feel kind of shitty because I was in a car accident today, thus we have some rotting rhino thing.
The other two are previous sketches.

phone RIP

Idk how or why but my phone isn't turning on now. It died during my shift at work. :( and has been on the charger for hours and keeps trying to turn on with no victory in sight...all seems lost. Had it less than a year too, need to get a new battery to see if that helps.


comical comic characters

Yo, so these are two characters that are super hero bros in the Tales of St. Marcos comic I've been working on in my spare time with Jordan Hunt. Did these last night for him to post on the web :)
