


Let's just say I shit my pants when I found this at the library of all places. I had my eye on this book for a long while now and it's just as good as I thought it would be. Initial interest in his work came from his sketches, of course. The linework and sheer energy is pretty unreal.
This book has a lot of insight on his art, philosophy, process, what it's like to work for Marvel, ect. Nearly every piece is accompanied by an explanation and it's just as pleasing to read as viewing the artwork itself. He doesn't have an official website, but google will turn up a handful of images if you're interested. Which you should be.

These photos are courtesy of ParkaBlogs. WHICH I SUPER RECOMMEND if you're an artbook junkie like myself. And even if you're not. Don't be a loser.

Did I mention his hair is badass? Cause thats important. Also he's self-taught.. Just saying, busting your ass is never in vain.


  1. Do you buy alot of artbooks?

    wow, these images are striking. Do you know if its done in traditional or digital? The redsckull with captain specifically, prolly digital.

    What library, the u of a one or the public one (do we have public libraries?)
    also: how am read?

  2. When I have the money, yes!!

    He does these drop dead gorgeous pencil renderings and scans them in to paint digitally over it. So a mix of both. He's one of those few doods whose undersketch has just as much power as the final: http://www.toddcountry.com/ebay/thor_reign_cover.jpg

    It was the Pima Library, actually.

    I know right.. People still go to the library to read. Craziness.

  3. I guess you got inspired? Wanting to color somebody else's inks / pencil work? Its pretty amazing watching the transformation from penic drawings into paintings, how people manage to keep the same feel, but with a totally different look.

  4. In a way. It kinda just reminded me that I used to do collabs and stuff a lot. And kind of miss it?!
