

I got an idea for a movie comic book book-book video game whatever, about a future where we have androids, and they have a tiny projector on their collar bone that projects realistic faces. And in this world, everyone accepts this as fact, and even though YOU the reader are going to be easily tell what is a robot and what is a person, the people in the world would have a much harder time telling them apart.

And I want to try to explore various human taboos in this context (because sooner or later were going to have realistic robots anyway, and this conversation is going to come up again and again) 

You know, the usual: Keeping human-faced robots as slaves, robot on human violence, simulacrum relationships, robo-human marriage, and so on!

But Im a lazy asshole and I am too busy spending my money on stupid shit (like the 2 for 1 couch deal) and I may not get to it. But I just wanted to give the blog a bump. As in, hey sexy robot lady, let me give YOU A BUMP (WITH MY PENIS)


  1. That's a really cool idea and VERY relevant to my interests (although I could not bump her with my penis, as I am absent one). It reminds me of that prequel to the matrix that the wachowski's wrote- the one about the robot on trial for killing his owner. I would very much like to illustrate this. LET'S MAKE ROBO HISTORY! BLEEP BLORP! 01100010 01101100 01100101 01100101 01110000 0100000 01100010 01101100 01101111 01110010 01110000

  2. What, yes. Man, androids are pretty sweet, have you seen Quantic Dream's Kara? Let's, uh.. draw some. Chea.

  3. THanks y'all. Im actually thinking of making htis into an animatic like saints. Ill see if I can make a trailer / intro/
