

Doing some sketches for my friend. Hes trying to make a video game, with a very NITCH market. Hope for the best! Speaking of games, I feel that its pretty much a universal new game / start up tendency to rip off artists. I saw a job posting for a poker app, where they want you to do some work on spec to show that you're "motivated' and after everything, IF they hire you, you get "shared profits" which according to them could be in MILLIONS AND GAZZILIONS OF DOLLAHS. 

Also, have been watching a lot of true blood lately. I sort of hate those types of shows and Im beginning to understand why. Im a human supremacist, I believe that the human race is the greatest and the best thing out there. All these shows always have supernatural being that are faster stronger better then people, and I find it offensive. Just saying, if Cerberus from Mass Effect was around, I would totally join them. Fucking Turians, marriage is between two people, not some weird space kitten-instect-jerks.


  1. Oh yeah. It's really ridiculous. I mean, I guess if you feel strongly about the project but most of those startups want to ream you.

    I'm interested to see where this project goes, I like the compositional elements in the first one. The repeating circles and lines with the bird on top are nice.

    I'm assuming you're still refining this one.

    Well.. I always love beehive hair on the vamp queen.

    True Blood is.. . LOL. No words. Other animals are just way cooler than humans. Sergei, you can't be human in ME.. you're a BATARIAN.

    1. It always feels like that the artwork is like a luxury and should get the least budget in the start ups. COME ON GUYS, youre suppose to be making your own business, trying to make money on your own, THATS WHAT WERE TRYING TO DO!!!

      The circles & bird is actually based on a Roman style banner. Yeah, these were just preliminary sketches.

      Batarian? Oh man, can I at least be a Krogan? Anything but Batarians and their spiky everything...
