

I went ahead and updated the blog a little since Josh was mentioning having it public once you guys get back from PCC. I added tags and archive higher up and included a panel for personal links. If you give me your website or whatever page you update frequently, I'll link it to your name. Good deal?

I still wanna make a thieves emblem for the top of the page, but we'll see! Also you guys are free to edit it too if you know how.

Here are some birthday sketches, cause damn I love drawing for people >:|
For Yuhki

For Joel

For Kyle

Laters, keep rocking. We got two more weeks for this semester. FFFFFFFFF

1 comment:

  1. Shawncee this is Awesome! I'm making a banner for PCC, using everyone's picture of them as a thief i would like to include everyone! Most people are looking to the left of the page so I think if we keep that going it will look awesome! I haven't made anything for the banner yet like logo wise but if you wanna do something that I could then use for the banner at PCC That WOULD BE AWESOME!
