
Comic Con meeting Fellow Thieves!

ATTENTION URGENT: PHX Comic Con meeting tomorrow 5/1 at 10:30 am Room 205 in the Art building!

  1. VOTE!: Band of Thieves Logo 
  2.  VOTE!: Banner Composition
Looking forward to seeing you guys there! 

some badass shorts

Splash pages

Im working on this design project and as a by product I made a bunch of these splash pages. Now that I am looking at them they seem kind of cool on their own. I can sort of see them as wallpapers.


Logo files

Here is my logo folder. If anybody wants to make changes go right ahead.

The fonts are Subway Novella, Ranger, and I think Liberator.


Go nuts!

Mr. Crazybrush...makes me crazy



I played with some suggestions that I got for the logos and got a new set. I also realized that Band of Thieves could be abbreviated as a B.O.T. which could be an awesome stealing robot!

My thief. Sorry it's so late!


Kingdom + Elm

Haven't done before bed sketch in soooo long. Ahhhh.



Colin pitched an idea for our logo and I wanted to play with his theory. We need to figure out our logo and how it will look pretty soon. Seeing how he never reads or posts on the blog, everyone else let me know what you think about these.

Don't Forget to Draw

Thats what I tell myself. I fear that without any illustration classes my drawing ability is going away and its often hard to find time to practice :(



I wanted to do something a bit more intense, but well, there ya go. LOL


I did some illustrations for the steam punk magazine. I did illustrations for a story where the plants have been turned to chemical weapons and only mechanical plants are allowed to live. A dandelion falls into an "iron" garden and trouble begins. Let me know what you guys think.



I'm goin' to Phx this Friday afternoon y'all, so we best get this banner layout done 'fore then.
Winky face,


PCC Updates!

Hey Everybody!

Quick weekly update on the Progress from PCC!

I talked with Kate recently who has been awesome with quoting for Prints, and Banners. Sergei also found an awesome deal at FAST COPY. So here's the deal...

  • The printer needs .pdf files to quote for prints and banner!
  • Banner, needs PDF file before he can give a quote. (most likely to see how many colors it is and stuff).

  • FAST COPY: Is really cheap and on campus, if I remember correctly!

  • -I NEED: ARTIST SELF PORTRAIT: THIEF! (preferably looking left but not necessary)
  • - Seta, if you want to create the logo for the site...could you please send me artwork for it? THANKS!

Also Bo has been awesome gathering a bunch of info for the booth. I also talked to some previous con hoppers and this is the information on the booth so far!

  • Booth Budget: $120 (includes table cloth, shelving, etc.)
  • Booth size at PCC is awesome! + Curtained walls (based on 2011 PCC) Nothing official for 2012 yet!
  • Sidenote: Bo found 2pc 24" poster tubes for $7 for anyone wanting to sell posters at the con!

Thanks guys I hope we can have some awesome progress by the end of this Weekend and know exactly what is going to happen and just get it done!



I went ahead and updated the blog a little since Josh was mentioning having it public once you guys get back from PCC. I added tags and archive higher up and included a panel for personal links. If you give me your website or whatever page you update frequently, I'll link it to your name. Good deal?

I still wanna make a thieves emblem for the top of the page, but we'll see! Also you guys are free to edit it too if you know how.

Here are some birthday sketches, cause damn I love drawing for people >:|
For Yuhki

For Joel

For Kyle

Laters, keep rocking. We got two more weeks for this semester. FFFFFFFFF


Mentioned at the Meeting for PCC

This is to everyone, but mostly Kate. Something like this would be easy to do a bunch of quickly.




Here are some pretty inspiring costume and attire shares. Clothing design is definitely up there in regards to really fun things to draw.

INAISCE by Mercury Maeda

Hel Looks

Essentially Hel Looks is street photography, but it focuses on really interesting people who have a pretty defined style. And I don't mean that in the fashionista way either. The archive has people from all over the world.

I kept seeing this and similar photos pop up on my tumblr so I investigated further and found the exhibition it was associated with. It is really beautiful.