
Resume Feedback?

Hey, guys, I thought it'd be cool to share my resume and get some feed back. The Resume is an all in one envelope, where the flaps function to close the resume and also hold illustrations. From all the other resumes I've seen this is really really different... I hope that is okay, but we'll see.

So far the only annoying part of this is the fact it's a bit bigger than your normal letter size. But it is definitely handy. Figuring out the digital coloring is a bit of a pain but I think I like how it's coming out. No detering from the linework. I think I need to downsize the font a little more as well.

Anyhow, let me know what you think! This is only the inside of the envelope.


  1. Goddamn it Cindy. You totally stole my idea of the sideways thing and the QR code.

    1. Totally did!! >3< I thought it'd be cool and it was a nice way to fill in the space on the right flap. But the sideways caption bubble worked better than a vertical only to fit the contact information. :3

  2. I like the character on the front, but maybe make it a bit less imposing?

    I can't see it all that well, but please don't use comic sans or anything that looks like comic sans.

    Other then that, I like it. Very different indeed!

    1. I can definitely do that!

      I used Anime Ace and Comic Sans in order to emphasize the fact I want to be in comics. Ellen hasn't said anything about it so I think it's okay? But I will ask David on his opinion too. :3

      Thank you very much for reviewing it!

  3. That is so cute and so YOU. The fact that this captures your personality so damn well is pretty impressive.

    I'm curious about the text too, have you thought of using colors from the other elements to highlight the categories?

    1. Thank you so much for your review!! : D

      Ellen actually talked to me about that today. I've got a lot of formatting to do and adjustments to handle and that's one of them. I'm going to add color to the major categories.

  4. OH man, ACE Job! Yeah I agree with Sergei I just don't take people who use comic sans seriously :p but maybe I have a stick up my butt. ANYWAY You're looks so much cooler than mine, I haven't even touched it and she asked if we could skip my meeting anyway. Overall great stuff!

    MY Critique is that the face on the right flap doesn't match the style of the left figure. consistency consistency consistency...consistency. That is all :)

  5. For mailing to people/companies, it's amazing. I'm encountering the issue where applying online and email/electronic application submissions will mean either they read it on a screen, or they'll print it out....and according to both my dad (who is a hiring manager for his company) and the career services dept on campus, most places print things in B&W, so make sure it will be just as impactful that way also.

    1. Also, that depiction of you looks a lot less Asian than I would have anticipated. XD

      If I were sent that resume and then interviewed you, I'd have a double-take and be suspicious you stole someone's interview slot!

    2. lol. How can you tell who is asian and who isn't in manga? Other then obvious blond hair.
