
Squeal Like a piggy! SQUEAL!!!

Manly man

In the post apocalypse, people won't know what clothing was made for what, so I give you manly man, the manliest man in the wasteland.


Centaur Girly

Since I can't stand my own project, here's some super rad lineart that I colored. I feel like an orge holding a pencil when I try to keep my lines this tight.

(You'll have to right click-->view image to see bigger)

The artist is Simone Kesterton, give her props, cause her lines are so friggin' clean.


Get a haircut, Fabio

I'm not really sure why I did this. I don't even like working this way. Long hair derpa hobo Kiche.

Here are some brothel doods. Kayushi (left, crazy) Tiasu (right, crazy awesome)

Sharing Saturday

Recent things that caught my eye and my heart. Ba dum.

Kevin Tong
All of my childhood.


I got that bitch a custom brush, bitches love brushes

I started making my own brushes. Its a lot of fun! This is a concept art for the environment for my world. Please tell me what you guys think? Do you like this direction or hate it?

Games Workshop Paint

This one is for Holly. I was looking for paint swatches for photoshop painting and I found this:

Now you can experience the awesomeness of games workshop for yourself.

But seriously, if anyone has cool color swatches please share! Im looking for something like oil painting swatches, if they exist.



Karakasu Obake
It's kind of hard to tell what this guy is from the wip but he's a one-legged, one-eyed, friendly umbrella demon.

Pretty much just clean your bathroom. However, I'm positive I have one living in mine.. .

This guy is pretty amazing. He's a monk in a flaming wheel that'll roll your ass to hell. What a charmer.

There's still a ton more demons left but I've found some awesome*(maybe nsfw?) ones that didn't make the cut. You're probably wondering what you're looking at. Here's a more modern take on the Shirime Also a horse head hanging off a tree. It's totally cool, don't worry about it.



This Will Destroy You

Haven't done before bed sketches in a while.


Sharing.. . Monday?

Obviously no shares last weekend because it was the Tucson Comic Con. It was a ton of fun and really energizing and motivating!


Travis Hanson

Meredith McClaren

Joe Bro

Gonna attempt some sleep, take care doods!


I find it quite liberating when you arrive at that place where it's like: that's awesome, beautiful, amazing, inspiring, but it's not me.

My UApoop presents poster. I've made absolutely sure they will not pick mine. Oooh no, scary pencils lines oh no!!

Unrelated, from my living star project.

Anyway, I'm glad this is out of the way so I can look forward to a weekend of burgers, comics and some gaming.

Please keep drawing! I am cheering for you * O *