
Steam Punk Magazine illustration

Yeah, Im doing an illustration for something called steampunk magazine. I don't really know or get this thing "steam punk" but I wanted to do something for a publication. Anyway, let me know what you think. THis is due october 15th


  1. omfg I did it again with the losing what I typed ffs.

    Ok, trying again....

    I would scale up the table, chair + girl, and robot mask. Also, the angle of the chair seems off. The background would look awesome (imo) with a black and either dark red or dark green striped wallpaper. The framed portrait is too far to the edge, however, to fix it, I'd push it up to halfway off the edge of the comp. and make it bigger while still pushing it back with atmospheric darkness.

    Personally, I love this concept. I think it works very well for 'steampunk'. How in the world did you even get this contract?

    My concern, however, is this.. the composition looks like an amalgamation of these two images combined..

    (this one in particular is on the cover of a popular art book somewhere)

    ..which isn't a bad thing, but the images are fairly popular with the Digital Art crowd, and I wouldn't want you to be accused of plagiarizing the idea from that artist.

  2. Oh shit. Well its sort of similar to the second link, but I can promise you that it was entirely my idea. I actually sent the editor 6 different compositional sketches, and he picked this one over the other ones.

    The publication is black and white, so there is no color, but I might scale the girl and the chair up a bit. I will definitely scale the portrait of her lover to make it bigger, since I'm spending so much time on it.

    Thanks for the feedback. Oh, Im not getting paid for this, so not really that impressive. I sent the editor my portfolio like a year ago (when I still sucked, err sucked more so then I suck now) and only recently they contacted me,

  3. I just noticed on their website the request for submissions (and that they're B&W only). Shame no color.. maybe you could make a color one for yourself! (aka passion gogo!)

    At any rate, I believe its your own idea, I'm just expressing a potential "Devil's advocate" remark that someone seeing this might make.

    I looked through some of the previous mags and find it interesting how your illustrative style fits pretty well into what they've put into the magazine so far, so good luck!

  4. Bo pretty much covered all the bases as far as suggestions go. :B Anyways, I like the greyscale and would love the see the blacks pushed more to heighten the mood. I know it's just a wip so if you were planning that all along.. disregard. Other than that, I like the current juxtaposition of the small woman and giant mechanical thing, just something to think about if you do play with the sizing.

    Also wouldn't worry about the Bluefley thing. If anyone'll be called out it'll be him before you. Girls and mechs and bots with human faces have been utilized by loooootss of artists(in that composition, even)
