
Poster WiP

So David managed to talk to me 5 min. before the next class started and completely shunned everything I worked on in class in favor of an alternate sketched composition, so here it is...

Still working on color comp and robot-to-main figure proportions, but I think I'm happier with this version.

The barcode thingy at the bottom is a stand-in for my attempt at bringing in that "schematic" element he liked about my other sketch. I'm gunna try and turn it into a sort of ANSI representation ala new ipod/android barcode things.

C&C welcome!


  1. that "bar" code thing you have there is a QR code, and I think its upside down. The website I like to use for QR codes is qrstuff.com.

    It would be kind of cool if it linked to your webcomic.

    The poster is way to small, so I can't really tell you what I think about it, if you even care.

  2. 'course I care! And hopefully you can get the jist of it from that image despite the size (silhouette, character/background balance, etc)

    And I know next to nothing about these QR codes? I just know they're popping up everywhere.. haven't looked into what they mean/do, other than they're scannable by cellphones.

    I do agree it'd be cool if it linked to my webcomic.. is there a way to reserve it or something?

  3. QR codes are basically printed links. You scan them with you smart phone or even iPod touch. Then depending on the QR code you might go to the website, or it will display contact information or even a coupon.

    You can't "reserve" QR codes, they're links. So if you don't have a website to go to, they just won't work.

    Also, on the behalf of giant robot lobby, the robot seems rather small. make it bigger, way bigger.

    And put him in front of the guy.
