
How do I be does sculpt?

I have one day left to finish this so I'll whine tonight then mope around tomorrow until it is done.
I've successfully psyched myself out of ever doing maquettes again, forever. The old base was torn apart in favor of something more sturdy, however it is still extremely top heavy.

I accidentally grabbed a pack of silver instead of grey so he's covered in bits of glitter now. Also, the third batch I mixed was darker. Not a big problem if/when I paint it, but it's a pain in the ass right now because nothing looks cohesive.

In short, I hate it and wanna drop it in the trash can. I know what needs to be done but my skills are so subpar..

I finished this. This is me detail whoring.


  1. hey your digital painting is getting extremely strong, I love it and dig it :)

    This sculpt seems to have you dealing with a lot of challenges, don't be too discouraged if it isn't how you thought it would end up...

    Challenges are the true currency of artists! So don't throw the Maquette making out the window just yet, your final last semester is still baller and shows you've got what it takes. :)

    May I suggest a breather is in order?

  2. Feel better now that I've disappeared for a week.

    Gonna redo it by October, at least. Every step and every mistake was enough lesson to file away for when I tackle the next one.

    EW, MY CLOWN KIDS ARE LAME. And I stand by that forever.
