
Sharing Saturday

Kellan Jett

All of his work is lovely but I'm very fond of his environments

YUDORi (nsfw)

I'm obsessed with her work, I only wish there was more of it.


Don't remember if I posted about Baru before but she does no wrong. Not only is her artwork fucking awesome, but she's sooo nice.

Brief commentary cause I'm sick as fuck. hi Bot. Or should I say hi Sergei


Sharing Saturday.


I know its weaksause, but here is a link to a pixiv. this guys is amazings


I post here because I know no one will see it

Why you guys should draw and keep me company late at night.
***\( ゚ヮ゚)/~Why I am a piece of shit.~\( ゚ヮ゚)/***


Holy shit. I just posted something.

This webcomic gets my stamp of approval.


Also, what's a blog?


Sharing awesome art and studies


This mans work is just awesome so much of it online too!
And here are studies for my bloodsport: Viking from Mars! And I am going to redo the compositions.


Episode 1

We talk about Indie Game the movie, are video games art, and how Colin only wants to make art for money. Also, if it sounds like we're robots, it's because I was trying to remove the background noise, but I'm terrible at audio editing.

Episode 0

First "official" BoT podcasts: where we discuss Tina Fey, UofA Art school, and holocaust improv. Stay tuned for more! If you have questions, comments, you can email me at



what happens when I don't have a social life. just running with the momentum from working on the film.


Sharing Saturday

 Katsushiro Otomo

Embarrassingly, it took me until recently to read the Akira comic. When I was younger I really wasn't interested in his work. I think I hadn't been exposed to the connecting artists necessary for me to be able to really appreciate his work. Needless to say he is one of my favorites. At least second or third!

 Kazuo Oga

Oga has painted numerous backgrounds for Ghibli Studios. His watercolors are stunning and I can't help but have the deepest respect for an artist with such a clear vision.

Kite is great. Her characters are so dang lively and full of personality. I've had the pleasure of watching her art grow and she's just getting better and better.

Even when things are super shitty art never lets you down. Thanks art!

Sharing Saturday

Studio Blink Twice is a studio by two brothers. One is a writer the other is the artist. Lorenzo Etherington is the artist. Anyway, this art looks pretty damn cool! 

The other one is Demizu Posuka. http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=33333. I really love his work, despite my predigest (I think its spelled right?)